The Bee Buzz : Bees in the News

A quick look at bees in the news around the world …

Bees Swarm to Protect the Queen in England

Not the human queen, though. After their queen was trapped in a car, these bees did their best to retrieve her (and somewhat inconvenience the owner of the vehicle) with a swarm. Watch the crazy video here.

UN on Pollination

“As bellwethers for ecosystem health and biodiversity”, bees play a crucial role in agriculture and ending hunger, and “pollinator-friendly” approaches are therefore highly encouraged, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. The recent report from the UN committee reiterates the importance of the bee to the world’s food supply. Hug a beekeeper!

Sugar Buzz?

Do bees in mid-size cities use soda pop or flowers to get their fix? Researchers at North Carolina State were curious if cities had enough of a wildflower population to fulfill the dietary needs of the bees and set out to find out the answer. Read what they found here.

How to Treat Bees

Do you have a bee hive buzzing around your property and want to get rid of it? This news report reiterates what we always advise – don’t kill them, have them moved. If you’re in our area, feel free to give us a call. If not, find a local beekeeper to help you out!

We’ll Always Have Paris

The world’s fanciest bee colony? It might be here, in the middle of Paris. Read this NYTimes report on the hives that have been setup in the City of Lights.


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