Bake n’ Brew Honey is Here!

We’re pleased announce that we’ve added two new products to the store – our new “Bake n’ Brew” Honey is available in 12lbs (1 gallon) and 60lbs (5 gallon) jugs for you to use at home.

American honey from American bee hives! Bake & Brew Honey is 100% pure honey. Sleeping Bear Farms produces this rich darker honey every year in the panhandle of Florida, USA.

This affordable full flavored fruity honey is ideal for fermenting specialists and bakers across the country.

Bake n’ Brew honey is gently heated and strained, but it is not filtered. This makes it ideal for use in kitchens and brewing – the great robust taste remains and so does the nutritional benefits of the honey.

This honey is harvested from our Florida farm, and contains both TiTi and “Popcorn” honey, as well as other varietals.

For small batch brewers, the 12lbs. jug is perfect. One jug will make approximately one 5 gallon carboy of mead, depending on the recipe that you’re using. The 60lbs jug is great for commercial operations and larger homebrewers both.

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