Eating Comb Honey

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of eating raw honey, but how about the benefits of eating raw comb honey?

You can take a nice bite of the whole honeycomb and get all the benefits of raw honey with some additional benefits from the comb itself. It might seem a little crazy, at first, to eat the whole comb, but for a long time it was a standard way to eat honey. Even in the early 1900s, it was extremely common to buy the comb and eat it. As extraction and separation became easier, and wax/honey profitable to sell on their own, it became more common to see them separately. Now, with interest in healthy eating and natural foods growing, comb honey is once again becoming a popular product.

Benefits of Comb Honey

Some believe that the comb is more nutritious than eating just the honey itself, as it contains a natural antibiotic, bee pollen, and large amounts of propolis. Propolis is rated as “possibly effective” for treating cold sores, genital herpes, and post-surgery mouth pain. It is also used to make cough drops for cough and throat irritation.

The comb has a taste advantage, as well. Just like the honey has a taste based on the different flowers that are used in the production process, the comb has different tastes from the waxes that the bees leave.

How to Eat Comb Honey

You can eat the comb honey right out of the container or the box that you buy it in. But the more delicious way is to put the comb onto a piece of warm toast or biscuit. The comb will melt just a bit into the bread and you can enjoy the delicious topping.

Want to try it? Check out our comb honey here.

1 thoughts on “Eating Comb Honey

  1. Tammie Houston says:

    My husband and I are thinking of opening a business as our second income. It seems that honey cosmetic business is trendy in the market. We are curious in getting wholesale comb honey and divert it into a lip balm. It will be very useful to everyone who has the worst chapped lips in the winter. Do you think it would be a good idea? Cheers!

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